Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Afternoon with Bliss

I spent today having a love affair with my new fabric and my red polka dot mug.
On my recent visit to Candlelite Quilts
I bought some of this, Bliss by Bonnie and Camille for Moda, and now I'm in love. I first saw it in the shop near Christmas but at the time I was too focused on Christmas-y fabrics to fully appreciate it's sweetness. Now that I've turned my attention to things besides Christmas crafting, I have all kinds of projects in mind for this delightful line. Pictured here are the scaps from the gazillion squares I cut out of my stash of Bliss to make a quilt for a certain niece of mine (who still hasn't gotten a Christmas present from us - gasp!). The quilt is in process but today I couldn't stop thinking of other things I'd like to make with these prints. Unfortunately, as always happens to me, I have many more projects in mind than I have time to spend crafting. I promise to post any finished projects just as soon as I finish them. Don't hold your breath.

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