Monday, February 21, 2011

Creative Fits and Starts

I've had a lot of creative starts and stops this week. I had a little unplanned hiatus, thanks to some delightful illnesses that the kids brought home, followed by a total fail of a project that I had hoped to complete for February's Craft Book Challenge. I can't even show you photographic evidence of the fail because I was so frustrated that I couldn't bring myself to take a picture. I didn't do anything rational like walk away or put it aside to see if I could salvage it later. Oh no. I immediately hacked it to bits (well, that's dramatic - I cut up the largest pieces of fabric to salvage for other projects) and tossed it into the trash. I won't even tell you what project it was. It's too embarrassing. I will just tell you that sometimes I think I'm taking a shortcut, or doing something an easier way, when in fact I'm actually just doing it WRONG. End of story.

Moving on. See the fabric above? It's from French General for Moda and I bought it last summer but haven't done anything with it yet. Since I'm also in possession of the French General book Home Sewn, I thought it would be fun to use these rich fabrics to create something for the Craft Book Challenge using a project from the book. As you can see, this is still in the conception phase and I will let you know how (and when) it materializes. If it does. Which remains to be seen.

Does this ever happen to you? Creative fits and starts and fails that kind of suck out your mojo?

Here's hoping your creative endeavors are going better than mine today!

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. My creative energy comes in bursts too. I hate being stuck. But when the fire is lit, there is no stopping me! :)

    I made the Everyday Sling Tote from Home Sewn a while back! That book is full of major eye candy!
