Monday, May 3, 2010

Long Time No Craft

You may have noticed this by now, but I really love to make things. I mean really. But the thing about making things is that you have to keep doing it to stay in the groove. If you take too long of a break you risk losing your mojo. That's essentially what happened the last two weeks. After my pillow-making bonanza, I slowed down, took a little break, and lost my groove. Have no fear, it will be back. I've read that artists have ups and downs and that it's best to just ride those waves. And I've read that you need to work at making art part of your every day, squeezing it into the tiny spaces of time that you can claim for it when you're a busy working mom. Maybe I read too much and haven't been crafting enough. Maybe I should stop reading articles about finding time to craft and just DO IT already. So that's what I plan to do. But not tonight. And realistically, probably not tomorrow either. We just have a lot going on right now. It's good stuff though, the stuff of life - playdates and softball practice. I will keep making my lists of projects and sooner or later I will get cracking again.
Until then, here is a recap of the last two weeks in pictures.

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